Last updated:
15th July 2023
Ashridge Country Park (Formerly Bell Farm)
Location Bingham Drive and Eldridge Avenue, Bell Foundry Lane, Wokingham, RG40 5QF

About Ashridge
Ashridge Meadows is a SANG (suitable alternative natural greenspace) near Bell Foundry Lane in Wokingham, comprising glades, ponds, meadow grassland, hedge rows and woodland. The 2.4km surfaced path meanders through the meadows, past willow tunnel structures and newly planted woodlands.
The diverse features within the country park provide habitats for a wide array of insects, mammals and birds alike. Through the summer, the wildflower meadows are scattered with cowslip, buttercups and ox-eye daisies, which are excellent nectar sources for butterflies and bees.
No parking facilities
There are no parking facilities available at this site. Pedestrian access is from Bingham Drive and Eldridge Avenue.
There are rough surfaced paths throughout the site, with gate-free access from Eldridge Avenue. There are some gentle inclines. The site is wheelchair accessible but may be hard-going without assistance.