Last updated:

10th July 2023

Code of conduct

Our code of conduct statement

While the parks are open to all, no one has the right to interfere with another park guest’s use and enjoyment of parks and facilities. Behaviour is unacceptable when it violates the law, interferes with the rights of others, endangers or injures oneself or others or when it results in damage to park

property, buildings or equipment. Kindness and respect towards fellow park guests and Countryside staff members is appreciated and expected at all times.


The following is not permitted in any of our Countryside Service parks:

  • Abusing or vandalising a Countryside Park or its amenities in any way
  • Aggressive intimidation or harassment of any person including physical, sexual or verbal abuse
  • Obstructing other park guests’ use of Countryside Parks and the amenities, or maintenance of the amenities by our staff members
  • Swimming is prohibited in the lakes, rivers and bodies of water at our sites unless on an organised Open Water Swimming session with our delivery partner at Dinton Activity Centre
  • Using amenities, including picnic tables and playgrounds, outside of their intended or approved purpose
  • Bathing, sleeping, storing personal belongings or doing laundry in restrooms or facilities
  • Storing or leaving personal belongings unattended within the Countryside Park
  • Charging for services, including exercise activities, guided walks, sports and other special interest classes and activities, without obtaining proper approval
  • Assembling groups of 20 people or more and erecting gazebos without obtaining proper approval
  • Organising events
  • Use of amplified sound without obtaining proper approval
  • Entering facilities without appropriate attire
  • Activities that may endanger yourself, others, wildlife or Countryside Park property 
  • Private: Information that contains a small amount of sensitive data which is essential to communicate with an individual but doesn’t require to be sent via secure methods
  • Littering
  • Not picking up after your dog and disposing of the waste correctly
  • Using, possessing or selling illegal drugs or possessing drug paraphernalia
  • Open fires and BBQs
  • Fly tipping, or disposal of commercial / household waste in our litter bins
  • Fly posting and putting up signs around the park without prior approval
  • Fishing without a syndicate permit or day ticket is not allowed
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol or drunken behaviour